A Complete Overview of Python Sets: Methods and Syntax Simplified

Python sets are essential data structures that offer unique elements collection. These data structures support robust operations like union, intersection, and difference. This ultimately enables you to manipulate data and analyze it efficiently.

Additionally, with their concise syntax and built-in methods and functions, sets are considered valuable tools for handling computational tasks.

In today’s guide, we will explore Python sets, their usage, basic operations, built-in methods and functions, and the approaches to iterate over the set elements.

So, let’s begin this journey of learning something new!

What are sets in Python

Sets in Python are the unordered collection of unique elements. They are usually represented by curly braces.

Moreover, Python sets support multiple methods for data manipulation, such as finding unions, intersections, differences, and symmetric differences.

You can also utilize sets to eliminate duplicates, solve complex problems, or perform set operations involving unique elements or data filtering.

Create and Initialize Sets in Python

For the purpose of creating a set in Python, utilizing the curly braces “{}” or the built-in “set()” function.

This section will provide examples of creating an empty set and creating and initializing a Python set using a simple approach and with the set() function.

1. Create an Empty Set

First of all, let’s create an empty Python set.

# Creating an empty set
empty_set = set()
print("Empty Set:", empty_set)

In this case, the print() function will display nothing on the console.

Create Empty Set in Python
Create Empty Set in Python

2. Create a Set with Elements

Here, we are creating a “fruits” set having the following five elements.

# Creating a set with elements
fruits = {'apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear'}
print("Fruits Set:", fruits)

As you can see, the print() function shows the names of the fruits as set elements on the console.

Create a Set with Elements in Python
Create a Set with Elements in Python

3. Create a Set With set() Function

In this example, we have invoked the “set()” function for creating and initializing a Python set named “colors“.

# Using the set() function
colors = set(['red', 'blue', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'])
print("Colors Set:", colors)
Create a Set With set() Function
Create a Set With set() Function

Remember that, While creating a set, all duplicated elements are automatically removed, which makes sure that all set elements are unique.

Basic Operations of Sets in Python

Python sets offer multiple operations which ultimately makes them highly valued for data analysis and manipulation.

For instance, some of the common set operations are:

Operation Symbol Description
Union | It combines elements from two Python sets without adding duplicates.
Intersection & It finds the common elements between two defined sets.
Difference - It fetches elements from one set that are not present in the other set.
Symmetric Difference ^ It fetches the elements that are uncommon in both sets.

We will now practically observe each operation with separate examples.

1. Union

In this example, the union operation has been performed on “set_A” and “set_B” using the “|” symbol.

Resultantly, the print() function will display elements of both sets as “union_set“.

set_A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_B = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Union
union_set = set_A | set_B
print("Union Set:", union_set)
Union - Basic Operations on Python Sets
Union – Basic Operations on Python Sets

2. Intersection

Now, let’s find the common elements of “set_A” and “set_B“.

set_A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_B = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Intersection
intersection_set = set_A & set_B
print("Intersection Set", intersection_set)
Intersection - Basic Operations on Python Sets
Intersection – Basic Operations on Python Sets

3. Difference

In this example, we will perform the difference set operation to retrieve the elements that are in “set_A” but not in “set_B“.

set_A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_B = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Difference
difference_set = set_A - set_B
print("Difference Set:", difference_set)

It can be observed that 1 and 2 have not been found in the “set_B“.

Difference - Basic Operations in Python Sets
Difference – Basic Operations in Python Sets

4. Symmetric Difference

In this example, we will find the uncommon elements from both “set_A” and “set_B“.

set_A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_B = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Symmetric Difference
symmetric_diff_set = set_A ^ set_B
print("Symmetric Difference Set:", symmetric_diff_set)

Check out the elements that are in either of the sets.

Symmetric Difference - Basic Operations in Python Sets
Symmetric Difference – Basic Operations in Python Sets

Modify Sets in Python

Modifying sets refers to the concept of adding or removing elements from the set. To perform such kinds of operations, you can use any of the given methods.

Add Elements to Python Sets
add() It can be utilized for adding a single element to the set.
update() It can be utilized for adding multiple elements to the set.
Remove Element from Python Sets
remove() It removes a certain element from the set. Else, raise a “KeyError” in case the element is not present.
discard() It removes a particular element from the set. However, it does not raise “KeyError” if the element does not exist.
pop() It removes an arbitrary element from the defined set.

1. Add a Single Element Using add() Method

In the following example, firstly, we have initialized a set named “programming_languages” having three elements. After that, the “add()” method has been invoked for adding a “JavaScript” element to the defined set.

# Initializing a set
programming_languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'C++'}

# Adding an element using add()


As you can see, the specified element has been added successfully.

Add a Single Element Using add() Method
Add a Single Element Using add() Method

2. Add Multiple Elements Using update() Method

Now, we will try to add two elements in the same set using the “update()” method as follows.

# Initializing a set
programming_languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'C++'}

# Adding multiple elements using update()
programming_languages.update(['Ruby', 'Swift'])

Add Multiple Elements Using update() Method
Add Multiple Elements Using update() Method

3. Remove an Element Using remove() Method

In order to remove an element from the “programming_languages” Python set, we will invoke the “remove()” method and pass “Java” as its argument.

# Initializing a set
programming_languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'C++'}

# Removing an element using remove()


Resultantly, “Java” will be removed from the given set.

Remove an Element Using remove() Method
Remove an Element Using remove() Method

4. Remove an Element Using discard() Method

Now, we will attempt to remove “C#” from the “programming_languages“.

# Initializing a set
programming_languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'C++'}

# Removing an element using discard()


This code will do nothing since “C#” is not present in the “programming_languages“.

Remove an Element Using discard() Method
Remove an Element Using discard() Method

5. Remove Arbitrary Element Using pop() Method

The last method is to utilize the “pop()” method for removing an arbitrary element which will be then displayed on the console.

# Initializing a set
programming_languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'C++'}

# Removing an arbitrary element using pop()
removed_element = programming_languages.pop()

Remove Arbitrary Element Using pop() Method
Remove Arbitrary Element Using pop() Method

Built-in Functions and Methods of Sets in Python

Here is the table comprising the primarily utilized Python methods and functions.

Method/Function Description
copy() Creates a shallow copy of the set.
union() Outputs the union of two or more given sets.
intersection() Outputs the intersection of two or more given sets.
difference() Outputs the difference between two defined sets.
symmetric_difference() Outputs the symmetric difference of two sets.
issubset() Verifies if a set is a subset of another set.
issuperset() Validates if a set is a superset of another set.
clear() Removes or deletes all elements in the set.
len() Outputs the total number of elements in the given set.
max() Outputs the maximum value in the set.
min() Outputs the minimum value in the set.
sum() Outputs the sum of all elements in the given set.

1. Using copy() Method

As the first example, we will create a shallow copy of the "set_a” with the copy() method and save it in “set_c“. Then, the print() function will display the copied set as output.
# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using set method: copy()
set_c = set_a.copy()

Using copy() Method
Using copy() Method

2. Using union() Method

Now, let’s combine ‘set_a” and “set_b” using the “union()” method for creating a new set “set_d” that comprises all unique elements.

# Initializing sets
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_b = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Using set method: union()
set_d = set_a.union(set_b)

Using union() Method
Using union() Method

3. Using intersection() Method

In order to find the common elements between “set_a” and “set_b“, invoke the intersection() method and store the resultant set in “set_g“.

# Initializing sets
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set_b = {3, 4, 5, 6}

# Using set method: intersection()
set_g = set_a.intersection(set_b)

Using intersection()
Using intersection()

4. Using difference() Method

Here, we are using the difference() method for finding the elements that are in “set_a” but not in “set_b“.

Using difference() Method
Using difference() Method

5. Using symmetric_difference() Method

Utilize the "symmetric_difference()” method for finding the elements that are in either “set_a” or “set_b“, but not in both.
# Initializing sets
set_a = {1, 2, 3}
set_b = {3, 4, 5}

# Using set method: symmetric_difference()
set_i = set_a.symmetric_difference(set_b)

Using symmetric_difference() Method
Using symmetric_difference() Method

6. Using issubset() Method

The issubset() method can be invoked for verifying if the “set_a” is the subset of “set_b“. This method will output a boolean value based on the evaluation.

# Initializing sets
set_a = {1, 2, 3}
set_b = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

# Using set method: issubset()
is_subset = set_a.issubset(set_b)


It can be observed that “set_a” is the subset of “set_b“.

Using issubset() Method
Using issubset() Method

7. Using issuperset() Method

Here, the "issuperset()” is called for checking if the “set_a” is the superset of “set_b“.
# Initializing sets
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
set_b = {1, 2, 3}

# Using set method: issuperset()
is_superset = set_a.issuperset(set_b)


the “True” value indicates that “set_a” is the superset of “set_b“.

Using issuperset() Method
Using issuperset() Method

8. Using clear() Method

In order to clear all elements from the “set_a“, we will use the “clear()” method as follows.

# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using set method: clear()

Using clear() Method
Using clear() Method

9. Using len() Function

Want to find the total number of elements in “set_a“? Call the “len()” function and store it in the relevant variable as we stored here in “num_elements_in_set_c“.

# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using built-in function: len()
num_elements_in_set_c = len(set_a)

Using len() Function
Using len() Function

10. Using max() Function

The “max()” function is used in the below-provided code for finding the maximum value in the “set_a“.

# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using built-in functions: max()
max_value_in_set_d = max(set_a)

Using max() Function in Python
Using max() Function in Python

11. Using min() Function

Likewise, invoke the “min()” function for finding the minimum value from the “set_a“.

# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using built-in functions: min()
min_value_in_set_d = min(set_a)

Using min() Function
Using min() Function

12. Using sum() Function

Last, but not the least, you can also calculate the sum of all “set_a” elements with the “sum()” function.

# Initializing a set
set_a = {1, 2, 3, 4}

# Using built-in function: sum()
sum_of_set_a = sum(set_a)

Using sum() Function
Using sum() Function

Iterate Over Python Sets

In Python, the operation of iterating over the Python sets can be done with for loops or set comprehensions.

Note: The sets are unordered, you may encounter different element orders in each iteration.

1. Using for loop

In the first example, we will utilize the “for” loop for iterating through the “languages” and display each language on the console with the print() function.

# Initializing a set
languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'JavaScript'}

# Using a for loop to iterate over the set
for lang in languages:
Iterate Python Sets Using for loop
Iterate Python Sets Using for loop

2. Using Set Comprehension

Here, set comprehension technique has been deployed for creating a new set named “upper_case_languages“, where each language name will be converted to uppercase.

# Initializing a set
languages = {'Python', 'Java', 'JavaScript'}

# Using set comprehension
upper_case_languages = {lang.upper() for lang in languages}

Using Set Comprehension
Using Set Comprehension

That’s all from today’s guide related to Python Sets and their usage.


Sets in Python provide a unique collection of elements with no duplicates. They can be used for performing operations like union, intersection, and difference between two sets.

This assists in problem-solving and enables seamless data manipulation. So, use these data structures for enhancing performance in your Python projects.

Want to explore and learn more related to Python, do check out our dedicated Python Tutorial Series!

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